Cloth diaper advice near you
Do you want to find out more about cloth diapers and are you looking for cloth diaper advice near you? Then here you will find a list of all the consultants who already have our diapers in their range. Feel free to get in touch - it's worth it!
You start here
The first steps
How many cloth diapers do I need?
To get started you only need a single cloth diaper! Our starter set is perfect for testing cloth diapers and getting an overview of the systems and absorbent materials.
If you want to change diapers with fabric part-time, we recommend 4 covers and 12 inserts. So you can change diapers half the day with cloth and half the day with disposable diapers and have a washing cycle of 3 days.
If you want to use cloth diapers around the clock, you need 6 diaper covers and 24 inserts to have a relaxed washing cycle of 3 days!
How does it work?
Overpants + insert = diaper
You place the absorbent pad in the diaper or snap it onto the buttons. This means nothing will slip anymore!
Once you reach the age of supplementary feeding, you will still use a diaper fleece to dispose of the store (just like you would with a disposable diaper).
Which system is right for me?
We offer two systems. The good news: Both work very easily! They consist of an overtrouser and an insert.
Our Ai2 Cover Diaper is a reusable pair of overpants that comes with an insert. The insert is changed every time you change the diaper and the cover can be reused.
Our Multi-Use Diaper is the closest thing to a disposable diaper: Here the entire diaper goes into the wash because the inside of the diaper is made of super soft material that ensures that the wetness is kept away from the child.
We offer hemp, cotton and bamboo for absorbent material. All three inserts are super absorbent and can be combined!
Which system you choose is a matter of taste, but one thing is for sure: it's super easy and flexible, so you can put together the diaper that's right for you!

The simplest & most flexible cloth diaper system
Our diapers consist of two parts:
- Waterproof overtrousers
- A matching insert